Briefs Essays
A collapse of the Taliban regime in the medium term (3-5 years)?
How likely is it that the Taliban regime will collapse in 3 to 5 years? Will internal divisions, rebel groups, popular unrest and foreign pressure make it fall?
How likely is it that the Taliban regime will collapse in 3 to 5 years? Will internal divisions, rebel groups, popular unrest and foreign pressure make it fall?
What were the causes & consequences of the various wars? How do Israeli-Palestinian tensions impact the broader regional context? How do the PLO and the Hamas differ? Why have attempts to pacify Israeli-Palestinian relations fail?
How was the Iranian regime before/after 1979 ? Who was the Ayatollah Khomeini ? How did the US-Iran relationship evolve ? What is the Iranian nuclear deal ?
What military and diplomatic strategies did the US adopt? What mistakes did they make? Who is in good terms with the Taliban? How will they govern?
Why and how did the US intervene in Afghanistan? How was Osama bin Laden killed? What role did Pakistan play? Why did the US leave in 2021?
What happened during the Soviet-Afghan war and the ensuing civil wars?
What was Pakistan’s role? Who are the mujahideen? Who are the Taliban?
What are the ideological, political, social and economic basis of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)? Is Daesh a caliphate ? Is it a state proper ?
Maps and definitions of the different religious communities in the Middle East ! Let’s understand their relations with one another and how it underpins some conflicts !