Can Street-level Bureaucrats improve Policies?
When and how can they improve public policies? Is their discretion always a good thing? How to hold them accountable? Can technology help them improve policies?
When and how can they improve public policies? Is their discretion always a good thing? How to hold them accountable? Can technology help them improve policies?
Why does public opinion matter in democracy? What are the drawbacks of basing decisions on public opinion? When does public opinion really matter?
Qu’est ce que le lien armée-nation? Comment s’est-il manifesté depuis 1789? Quel rôle joue la réserve? Quelles politiques pour renforcer le lien armée-nation?
How are policy failures constructed? What role do the media play? How do political promises mislead citizens? What are the shortcomings of our bureaucracies?
Has the US achieved its “Pivot to Asia” ? How does China expand its influence ? Is the ASEAN a united bloc ? Will it align itself with one side or the other?
Will Joe Biden make everything return to normal ? Is he returning to multilateralism ? Multilateralism to counter China ? Can Biden bring together the US ?
What is neoliberalism? How did we adopt this model? Are we witnessing its end? What role did covid-19 play? What would replace neoliberalism?
What military and diplomatic strategies did the US adopt? What mistakes did they make? Who is in good terms with the Taliban? How will they govern?
Why and how did the US intervene in Afghanistan? How was Osama bin Laden killed? What role did Pakistan play? Why did the US leave in 2021?
What happened during the Soviet-Afghan war and the ensuing civil wars?
What was Pakistan’s role? Who are the mujahideen? Who are the Taliban?
What definition for narcoterrorism? How do South-American cartels and West-African terrorist groups collaborate? How governments fight both drug and terrorism ?
What is the meaning of naval power?
What are the advantages of naval power compared to land and air forces? Why a navy is economically and logistically vital ?
Is the nuclear non-proliferation treaty efficient ? Do nuclear weapons prevent conflicts? What’s the point of nuclear weapons today? What are the risks of uncontrolled nuclear proliferation?
What are the ideological, political, social and economic basis of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)? Is Daesh a caliphate ? Is it a state proper ?
What is economic development ? How is it linked to democracy for Lipset, Robinson and Acemoglu ? Should governments promote democracy to foster growth ?
How did Mao Zedong establish a communist regime in 1949?
What role did China play during the Cold War? Why is it a capitalist power now ? How is it governed?
What is a cold war? Are there current ideological differences ? Do tensions go beyond simple rhetoric fights and diplomatic tensions? What about China ?
Maps and definitions of the different religious communities in the Middle East ! Let’s understand their relations with one another and how it underpins some conflicts !